Wicked Games
Who Will Live Who Will Die and Who Will Get Very Rich!
© 2024 Swan Lake
Offered exclusively on this website.

Wicked Games
WHO WILL LIVE – WHO WILL DIE & Who Will Get Very Rich!
© 2024 Swan Lake

This WICKED spy novel is set in the decadent city of San Francisco.
Evil anarchists, set on attacking San Francisco with a bioweapon, have targeted big tech companies in Silicon Valley, with a new deadly version, of the Black Death plague.
Here we present a disturbing look into the real world of espionage and, the beautiful, dangerous women, from the from the Russian intelligence services, with their, dark, unholy secrets.
Another, Sexy and Wicked spy, from Israeli intelligence, recruits the Russian women, on a desperate quest to stop it before it’s too late.
The London Times calls Wicked Games – “Pure Political Porn!”
A Dystopian ‘Swan Lake’ Bridges “Bond” and the “Story of O”!
BBC West End London
Warning! This is a work of erotic fiction. It is ADULT ORIENTED material of an extreme sexual nature with explicit graphic descriptions of extreme sexual abuse and trauma; including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. Obsession, hate, revenge, crimes of passion, genocide, bondage, white slavery, human trafficking, child abuse, pedophilia, incest, and bestiality, sadism, torture, & passionate love. Prostitution, mind control, weapons of mass destruction, crimes against humanity, bioterrorism, and espionage.
This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The authors do not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely.
Wicked Stories
Watch 30 episodes of over 30 hours of video book production!

Serengeti National Park


Caribbean Cruises

Saint Petersburg

San Diego
3-Day Wellness Weekends!


Santa Lucia

Yoga Spa Weekend

World’s Finest Hotels
Underwater World


Forget Pink
Think Lavender

Hong Kong Rolls Royce Fleet
Chapter 1
The Red Fortress
Breaking news!
This is Jenn Fontaine from the BBC Medical news desk, in London.
San Francisco – the once beautiful San Francisco, has been rocked over the last 36 hours, with a deadly plague the CDC is calling, 10 times stronger than the Covid -19!
Also, the city is a holocaust, as raging fires have consumed several neighborhoods.
Was this a bioterrorist attack, as some say or caused by explosions in a top university biolab, which released the virus?
Angry mobs of people, attacked and fire bombed large homeless camps, who they blame, as the true source of the deadly virus.
Strong winds, fanned the uncontrolled fires, which jumped to the adjacent old Victorian homes, and is still spreading and raging over many parts of the city.
The CDC, now claims, the virus, is a combination of a weaponized Bubonic plague or Black Death, and a fast acting, deadly, sexually transmitted version of HIV – creating, what scientists from CDC call, the new HIB-Black Death Plague!
As the world watched in horror, of people dying, in violent convulsions; as their skin, rapidly turned from a grey ash to an unholy black colour;
We can only describe it as bone chilling, and fearsome panic, shot across the world.
Global lock downs have been called for, as Downing Street, ordered armed response teams, to guard all important public buildings, MI-6 and the tube stations. All flights into and out of the UK, have been canceled.
Whatever the causes, San Francisco is a fiery holocaust, Thousands have clogged the roads and highways out of the city, as National Guard troops blockaded the Golden Gate Bridge, in an attempt to contain the spread of the new Black Death plague.
In a scene from Dante’s Inferno, black clouds and thick smoke filled the blood red air.
National Guard and gangs of armed citizens, have been burning the dead and dying in huge pyres, in the streets. The unholy smell of the black, diseased, burning corpses, is nauseating.
The world has never witnessed such a deadly attack before, and so many questions, still remain unanswered;
Tonight, as the world prays to be spared, from this almost biblical curse, we have to ask.
Can we stop it before it is too late!?
This has been, Jenn Fontaine, for the BBC London!
Wicked Games is an erotic geo-political spy thriller!
Rolling Stone
Wicked Games is a collection of some 30 books or episodes from the decline of the old USSR to the streets of San Francisco and Silicon Valley.
Here Swan Lake, like a Russian bird of prey, channels Agatha Christie and Ian Fleming, in this shocking, (and soon to be banned) book some critics are calling a modern, and highly erotic, “War & Peace”, “Dr Zhivago”, or the “Gulag Archipelago”.
You will be transported from Czarist Russia, the revolution, purges, gulags, and the Berlin Wall, to Ukraine , Istanbul, Paris, Budapest, to now at NORAD in Colorado, and the Russian Consulate in San Francisco.
Swan Lake is by all accounts, a Russian journalist, from Ukraine, before working for the nefarious intelligence agencies. Some say that she was a dancer from Saint Petersburg, in the Bolshoi Ballet. Others say they knew her when she was Karl Lagerfeld’s youngest muse, on the cat walks in Millan, during fashion week.
Karl Lagerfeld
German fashion designer (1933–2019)
Karl Otto Lagerfeld was a German fashion designer. Lagerfeld began his career in fashion in the 1950s, working for several top fashion houses including Balmain, Patou, and Chloé before joining Chanel in 1983. As the creative director of Chanel from 1983 until his death, he oversaw every aspect of the fashion house's creative output.
Swan Lake’s prolific collection of 30 titles!
Chapter 1 The Red Fortress – continues…
The Countess Zera Rosakoff, code named Z , is an old, KGB hard-liner, traveling to the Red Fortress, an ancient castle in the Carpathian forests, for the festivities, celebrating the 70th anniversary of the KGB. This costumed masked grand ball is hosting the who’s who of the secret services; KGB - FSB - GRU - MI6 - CIA and Interpol.
The Countess reflects back in time.
I was born in prison.
Not just a writer’s prison, as they say, or even the prison of my own mind.
I was born in the old USSR, an enigma, and a mystery inside a riddle, hidden from the world, and overcite of a free open society, and infected with true, homicidal paranoia!
The Soviet Union was in effect an enormous prison, incarcerating more than 280 million people behind heavily guarded borders, with over a million KGB officers and informants acting as their jailers.
The population was under constant surveillance, and no segment of society was more closely watched than the KGB itself:
The Seventh Directorate was responsible for internal surveillance, with some 1,500 men deployed in Moscow alone.
Under Leonid Brezhnev’s inflexible brand of Communism, paranoia had increased to near Stalinist levels, creating a spy state pitting all against all, and everyone was encouraged to inform on everyone else, everywhere, all the time.
For so many countless women, and the millions who vanished, our prison was a living nightmare!
According to Dostoevsky, "the most basic, most rudimentary spiritual need of the Russian people is the need for suffering, ever-present and unquenchable everywhere and in everything.
Fyodor Dostoevsky (Russian: Достоевский)
Oh yes, the Countess whispered to herself;
The Red Fortress,
Where the Dark Powers held Sway!

The BBC Worldwide Productions
“However, this spy novel is not about the past, but a thrilling modern look into the world of the Russian Secret Services, at the Russian Consulate in San Francisco, the epicenter of all western spy operations, and gives you a wicked look into the spy wars sleezy tactics for global domination with a privileged look into the bedrooms and board rooms of Silicon Valley. Wicked Games is not your candy-ass MI6 or CIA typical shallow dribble. Some rare books crack your head like an ice axe. Love it, or hate it, you will never be able to shake these dark and disturbing stories.”